
Indio CA 2009 (Convoy and rally)

Slide information:
  1. Lining up for convoy to Indio
  2. Group photo (The group photo was taken by Gene Bergstrom at the FMCA Indio Rally)
  3. Aerial View (The shot from above was taken by a brand new member, Darrin Skinner, who is really big into kites. He flew a 6 foot tall kite with a 9’ wingspan, and the camera was suspended from the kite. It rotates 30 degrees every 8 seconds or so and takes a picture.)
  4. Another kite shot (notice Happy Hour site at middle left)
  5. Kite Camera #3
  6. Kite Camera #4
  7. Joe and Donna Davis (Joe and Donna entertain at happy hour. They’re really good!)
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